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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

On the Sidebar, from the months presented choose September. Scroll to the bottom of the page and this will bring you to the beginning of my journey.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Denotation and Connotation - Own

Besides the advert we analysed in class (Eternity - Calvin Klein), I also chose to analyse my own advert. This one is advertising a day in LA where people all wore Jeans as a campaign against rape.
The lady on the advert for this special day is a well known actress 'Callista Flockhart' who was starring in the hit american tv series 'Ally Mcbeal' around the time this was occuring - 2007. This is a good motivational technique as if you see someone famous doing it/taking part, then you instantly will want to follow the trend and show your support.
Similar to that of the 'Eternity' advert, the image and writing is all in greyscale/black and white. This is a useful techinique as it keeps the attention away from one particular place and makes you focus on the only section in red. This section is the most important and states what the advert is about.
Red is the colour of a warning. As well as blood and love, but in this context is being used as an eye drawing tool to draw your attention to the 'title' and to raise a general awareness as to what's occuring.
The confident smile of the actress is also a good way of reaching out to the audience and making them empathise with people who have been involved in violence in their lives.
The comfortable and laidback attitude which has been adopted by the figure implies that if you wear the jeans on this day and show your support/follow the campaign, you too will be relaxed and safe in yourself.

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