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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

On the Sidebar, from the months presented choose September. Scroll to the bottom of the page and this will bring you to the beginning of my journey.

Friday 14 October 2011

Our Presentation - Silent Hill

In our group, we met up a couple of times in our own time, and studied the opening of the horror film 'Silent Hill'.
We each chose a specific area to focus on when looking at the opening of the film. Akshay - Mise-en-scene, Georgia - Sound, Emma - Camera Angles and Me - Editing. We then switched until we had all made notes on each area. After that, we seperated the notes and wrote them up in our own free time, before meeting and reflecting on what we had found.
We also put the opening on Windows Movie Maker and added notes over the top of the short video. Unfortunately when we came to presenting to the class, the programme didn't work on the board.
Our reason for doing this was to make sure all of our different perspectives of the opening were then sought after and included as some people may observe and recognise different things to others.
To prepare for our class presentation, we met in one of the provided computer rooms at school, made notes on what we definitely wanted to say, and made a note of at which times we wanted to stop the video. We also devised a speaking order so that we all knew when to speak and didn't jump in at random points.
When it came to presenting, we experienced a few techinical difficulties as mentioned previously, with windows movie maker. The projector was also not in good condition and effected our opening as it was no longer clear. To try and work with this, we strived to help the audience understand what was happening in the scenes and everytime we paused the clip.
The duration of our presentation exceeded fifteen minutes, and the feedback from our teacher was extremely positive.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCLqZWB6dBg

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