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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

On the Sidebar, from the months presented choose September. Scroll to the bottom of the page and this will bring you to the beginning of my journey.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

'Silence of the Lambs'

The next class presentation was by Ben, Toby, Dom and George, and again, I took my own notes down as to what I saw and felt when watching the opening of their chosen horror film - Silence Of The Lambs.

Music - calm - typical to that of a fairytale - tinkling
Dead trees - No leaves - reflect future events
Lonely bird crowing - isolation - crows peck dead animals - significance?
Black bold writing - coincides with death
Woman running alone - dressed in grey/black clothes - reflect genre
Running away from someone?
Ropes represent her entrapment
Camera pans round and follows as if we're watching from the edge of her path
Little light through trees - lots of shadows - foreshadow - dark - death - reflect horror genre
Red and black - horror - creepy atmosphere
Beeping - heartbeat - possible sign of a countdown
Rumbling unsettling music
Clang of metal - building tension - metal - cold and harsh
Bars - caged in - doomed - trapped - no way out
Prison - asylum type place - bleak - depressing, dripping, cold brick walls
'Closer' - said quietly to provoke fear
Fog - cloudy - somethings are seen clearly and others aren't or, can't see whats happening or going to happen in the future - confusion
light - cold light - cold feelings/emotions reflect bad life
Heavy breathing - worried, determined, rushed, strong, quicker
Music - deeper - almost as if following
Tracking shot - running away
Trees in background - trees supposed to represent people - surrounded
Climing the rope - overcoming latter obstacles in her life
Light reflects on face, creates the impression that she'll be ok
LOTS of bars - reinforces maximum security however something is sure to go wrong
Red - hell - as characters travel down almost as if they're descending towards hell
Humming tone - deep
No music, with no tone and no chance of escape.
Short dialogue - sentances - disjointed conversation - uncertain/nervous
White in background - heaven
Red/black in foreground - hell
^ Religious connotations
"Nice to meet you" as if saying goodbye
Hannibal is in the last cell - not trusted - like he's the worst one in the whole institution
'Restraints' forceful and dangerous
360 degree angle shot - disorientating - Point of view
Establishing shot down corridor of prison
Chair - islotaed and lonley - locked in
Clarice's face is showing no emotion which could be related to the murderers and villains show no emotions. This creates the impression that anyone has the capacity to be a murderer. The only thig which seperates them is a thin barrier of bars.
You can tell that Hannibal is different from the others - he has perspex glass - more secure. He also has possessions surrounding him, looks after himself, is well dressed and groomed. However, he talks in a hushed tone, and doesn't answer her questions. He counters her with his own questions - shows who is in control.

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