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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

On the Sidebar, from the months presented choose September. Scroll to the bottom of the page and this will bring you to the beginning of my journey.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Main Task

Title - Mother of Pearl

Characters -

Pearl - Molly Porter
Emma - Emma Wylie
Evil Pearl - Catherine Porter
TV Presenters - Akshay Mason and Georgia Sharp
Location - Emma's House

Timeframe - 14:00 - 17:00

Plot - In 1981, a young girl named Pearl was murdered by her mother, and her body was buried in the garden. The house had remained desolate, until now. Emma and her family have moved in, and Pearl isn't one to be disturbed. Pearl possesses Emma and forces her to do her bidding, testing Emma to her limits. All Pearl wants is a mother she can trust. But at what cost?
We all decided on the plot together.

List of props needed -
Mother of Pearl Necklace - To be seen in commercial and used by Catherine to 'strangle' Emma.
Fake Blood - To run down Emma's face to reinforce what has happened.
Red Contact Lenses - To create a creepy and possessed feel.
Long Sleeve Black Top - To be worn by Catherine to reflect her evil intentions.
Black Trousers - Same as above.
Black Shoes - Same as above.
Black Gloves - Same as above.
White Vest - Worn by Emma under her shirt.
Green Checkered shirt - To reflect her bad luck.
Red Blue and White Checkered Pajama Bottoms - To be worn by Emma to reflect the time of day.
Brown Slippers - To be worn by Emma - Casual.
Orange t-shirt - To be worn by Molly - Colour represents joy and happiness which is a complete juxtaposition of the character's latter actions.
White Shirt - Worn by Akshay - Resembles purity and innocence.
Red Tie - Also worn by Akshay - Mirroring anger and blood.
Black Vest top - Doesn't distract viewer.
China Doll - Representative of Molly's rage and revenge.
Glass - To smash for dramatic effect.
DVD Case - Mise-En-Scene - To be included in the background.
Black Flower Hair Clip - For Georgia in the Shopping Channel video.
Tripod  - To be able to film evenly with.
Camera. - To film with.

Georgia came up with the useful idea of keeping a Log Book in which we noted down all the ideas we had and who had them. This helped as when the task came to write our evaluations, as we will know who to credit for the ideas within our main task. Despite this good idea, we are all very modest in our group and were able to easily discuss ideas and whom had then evenly and fairly without gaining faulty credit.
We made it so that all members of the group were present at each meeting so that there weren't any excuses when it came to discussing what we had done. We also independently decided that we should meet in our free time on a Wednesday. This will come in handy especially when we have to edit as the rendering process on the Mac's as it is extremely time consuming.
We easily completed the storyboard in rough and neat within a feww meeting times in lessons and out of.
In our prelim, we practised the Horror genre so that we could relate it to our main task. We thought this would have been useful having already practiced specific camera angles and techiniques and getting a grasp of what works and what doesn't.

We cut the different sections of our main task opening into easily filmed sections to make our job easier. As a group we decided it would be a good idea to have a 'shopping channel' type feature in the background. We had to create this ourselves and so had Akshay as the seller and Georgia as the model. However, during the shopping channel, as it was played on the television, there would be a loud crackle, similar to tv static and Molly's face would be seen as she chants to Emma. The shopping channel skit is advertising a Mother of Pearl necklace which is interfered by 'static' and then cuts to Pearl's (Molly) face. We filmed our shopping channel in front of a blank screen with Georgia sitting on a stool showing the necklace. We also had Akshay standing next to her as he pointed at the necklace whilst making a pitch. This was stereotypical of a shopping channel. We filmed this with a mid-shot camera angle and also filmed some extreme close-ups of the necklace.We also used a static camera as opposed to moving so that we could avoid jerky/shaky movements. We filmed this section a few times so that we definitely had a good shot in which we could work with.
We had a few issues when filming such as having no tripod or script to work from. However we easily worked with this, by borrowing one from the library. We also had no script and so Emma came up with the idea of prompt cards to help Akshay with his pitch.

As a group we discussed possible improvements from the preliminary task.
We all decided that:

1 - As a group we needed to be more productive and concentrate more when working.
2 - We needed to spend more time and attention to the composition of our piece.
3 - Eveyone in the group will take part in the editing process.
4 - We should set our own deadlines and significantly improve our time management.
5 - We should pay more attention to costume, make-up and mise-en-scene.
6 - We should spend more of our time on natural effect trather than relying on editing.
7 - We should not be afraid if the need arises in which we should have to re-film certain aspects.

The roles in our group were shared between everyone, but the basic roles of each person are as follows:

Catherine Porter - Actress, Photographer.
Akshay Mason - Cameraman and Chief Editor.
Georgia Sharp - Director and behind scenes Runner.
Emma Wylie - Actress and Sound Producer.

Pearl Countdown

One day we filmed my sister - Molly who was to play the Pearl character. Molly had just arrived home from school and so was still wearing her uniform which consisted of a white shirt, green cardigan and black trousers. We didn't change her outfit as this reflected her innocence and made her seem like the opposite of what she actually is. The colour green also represented bad luck which reflected well in our main task.
Molly chanted the following:

"One, Two, Three, Emma I can see,
Four, Five, Six, Beware my tricks,
Seven, Eight, Nine, I'll watch you cry"

During the moment when Molly speaks the second line, her eyes move from side to side and it appears as if she is watching Emma as she moves. We edited them all together to create her chant and added tv crackling as it will appear as an unwanted interface.

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