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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Tiffany: The music worked well and added more suspense. The loud sound when the villain appears made the audience jump. The hand prints on the wall emitted a certain sense of mystery about the character and had a positive effect on the audience. The young girl on the TV was scary and created a lot of tension but was also very effective. The lighting was dark which is typical of the horror genre.

Matt: The music was great, and I jumped when Catherine appeared on the screen and the sudden noise worked well. The plot was well thought out and structured effectively and I would definitely go and see this in the cinema. The colour of the logo was typical of a horror film, being red and black, and this set the audience up for what they were about to see. Overall it was very effective and reminded me of a typical/traditional horror film.

Samantha: The doll was brilliantly placed and I thought it was effective how it was always looking at Emma as she moved around the room. Emma's reaction to the glass breaking could be more believable as it looks like she was expecting it. The general dark undertone reflected well on the main character, and the music reinforced this. The sound of the doors slamming was very effective and believable.

Molly: It was really scary and made me jump. I wouldn't be able to watch this by myself. It was very well thought out and the 'possessed' plot idea was clever and stereotypical. I like the name of the company as the word cage implies bars and being trapped.

Stanley: The title linked in well with the necklace prop that was used to possess the main character which was definitely effective. The sound of the wind was not realistic enough and the scream petered out at the end. I feel these could be improved, however they didn't completely take away from the overall effect of the movie. The music at the end as the title appeared on the screen was fitting to the mood and let the audience think what had just happened to the main character.

Nichola: I liked the fact it was all gloomy to enhance the dark nature of the genre. The part when Catherine popped up in the mirror made me jump and I like how it was only a flash which made it even more scary. The bit with Molly was so creepy, and I liked how it flicked from being on the TV to just her - makes it seem so real. And I liked the bit when she was walking down the stairs and the camera was below, makes it so scary. Maybe when she falls to the floor, the screen could go black for a second.

Taranvir: Molly's voice on the television gave me goosebumps. The zoom ins and close ups on Emma's face when she had blood coming out of her eye was great. The sound complimented the horror/mysterious theme perfectly. Sound wasn't too over the top like you get in majority of modern film previews...Overall 10/10! Loved Emma's Molly's and Catherine's facial expressions. It was brilliantly directed by Miss Sharp! I liked how the camera angle portrayed a story motion. It gave a realistic sense of emotional attachment to Emma's character.

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