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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

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Monday 10 October 2011

'The Grudge'

Today in our lesson, we carried on with the presentations we hadn't quite completed. Today was Daryl's turn and he studied 'The Grudge''s opening.
Below are some notes that I took on different aspects I saw as he was presenting.

The background was joined with ominous music, foreboding what was going to happen. The colours were that of a classic horror film - Black and Red and played on the genre.
Tinkling/strings - foreshadowing.
Alleyway - closed - one way
Over the shoulder shot insinuates that someone is watching
Dark - overshadowed
Looking up as she climbs the stairs - part of view from someone near her
Little if any light on face - shred of hope
Hear footsteps - not see her feet
Lighter represent protection, hope, warmth, trust, spark of interest. Could resemble her life ending - life force being diminished.
Climbs to the attic - bad connotations - monster in the attic
Face jumps from darkness and a scream erupts
Black overtaking the screen - The monsters motives
Looks like the monsters hair
Woman of interest starts from the shadows
Continuity of shots - however location jumps to show her journey
Still looks as if we're watching her
House is overgrown with plants - something is growing inside of it.
Woman inside in dark colours is trapped by grudge.
Clothing - Darker clothing symbolises the people who are more effected
Black - reinforces horror genre
Shows caring side - genre discouraged. Mothing instincts - empathise with the character
Light - isolated window through frosty pane - light resembles hope. Isolated and alone. Frosty could resemble what woman is feeling - uncertain and confused.
Camera follows her - making the audience feel how she feels - empathising
In suspense - apprehensive
The music is now high pitched and out of tune - eery atmosphere
Building up tension - opens door - low rumble emits an element of danger
Death is iminent
Lighter - small and unimportant - flickers - shaking with fear - warmth
Cobwebs - spiders catching their prey, relates to situation at hand with the monster catching the tresspassing woman
Blocking direct view - obscurred
Fear of the unknown definitely comes into play
Danger - aggressive motives
Plants growth could reflect the growing sense of danger
Narrow corridor - no sense of escape - trapped
Silhouette of woman makes you feel sorry for her, like she's a black hole and no longer exists.
Silhouette veils woman character in a black colour - cloaking her in the essence of death.
Bars in background reinforces idea of entrapment
Reflection on the lino floor - vulnerable - repetitive in horror genre
Sitting on sofa - window with net curtain could create the impression like a warning - to try and keep insects out.

The link is below. Daryl only analysed up to 7.29


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