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Welcome to my AS Level Media blog! I have been keeping up to date with all my progress featured on this blog and have endeavoured to use as much detail as possible! Alongside my blog, I have a blue portfolio of which holds some of my main storyboards and ideas for each of the tasks set by our teacher. I intend both the blog and my portfolio to be crammed full of ideas and information. Enjoy!

On the Sidebar, from the months presented choose September. Scroll to the bottom of the page and this will bring you to the beginning of my journey.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

'Jennifer's Body'

The final presentation in our class was by Harri, Harri, Amber and Becky who focused on the opening for the film 'Jennifer's Body' starring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried. They showed us the opening and then stopped at specific points to bring facts to light that we perhaps didn't see. I made my own notes, and took theirs into account as I was analysing.

The first shot we are introduced to is an establishing shot of a house in the dark - isolated
Non - diagetic voices - TV
Loud bang
Gates/bars - restricted
Messy room
Bunny slippers - childlike
Grim - prison like
Face in darkness
Aggressive language reinforces genre
Shouting dragged away - restrained
Window in the room is barred and light is filtering through
Speaker - depressing and eery though supposed to be cheerful - Foreboding
Orange connotation - warmth, however theyre in a prison so it's contrasted
Credits fade in and out slowly - eerily
Jump cut reinforces insecurity of character
Close up of face - feminine - playing with hair
Spooky music creates suspense
Pink and girly room - contrasted with the character we have been introduced to
Low cut of bed - link light - girly - controversial
Cut from under bed - 'monsters under bed'
Jennifer wearing cold colours reflect personality
Shadows reveals she's not a good person
Pretty hair implies that of a young girl
Clothes - shows mental institute she's in
Toys - childlike/immature
Figure of God - religion shows light
Face being engulfed by shadow
Natural lighting creates eery ambience
Stone floor - cold grounded - artificial
Orange makes everyone equal but she stands out - Dull
Grouped together
Humour - seems like a sane insane person - "Welcome to the mental olympics"
Camera follows her movements - cameras watching her
'KICKER' - Foreshadows attack on helper
Bars shadowed on face
Two shot conversation leads into canted angle - confusion of whats going to happen
Fast beat - heartbeat - encouraged by inmates
Offices in white - Heavens angels
Close up shot represents struggle - eye level - trapped with her on the same - level as her equal
Landed on cross when oushed into the rom - religious symbolism
Song adds humour

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